Collection of examples from

The answers to some questions contain some very interesting and instructive basic examples. These are difficult to find in the large number of questions on discourse.There are also good examples in resources and showcase.

Therefore I collected them and put them on one page, clearly arranged by time.
The collection may be a help for beginners. :slightly_smiling_face:

2019 is now redirected
to the safe side *
The note on local use of the examples has been adapted with regard to the use of ES 6 modules since 2020.
In addition to BeginnerExample, I added ShaderBeginner, a small shader book for beginners. It is in progress and will be supplemented with more examples.
See also page 42 here. (Collection of examples from - #42 by hofk)

The examples are organized by year. There are not many in the beginning year of the discourse, but there are many more in the following!

A download is available for completed years.


You can try them out immediately and use Ctrl U to view the code.
The source code contains the links and the author.

In addition, extended examples ar aviable.


These are links to the original pages. Only examples with code on jsfiddle, codepen, codesandbox, github and my own page are considered to avoid broken links.


Great idea! :+1:

1 Like

Klaus, you rock! :metal::star_struck::+1:
Great job. Seriously.


Super! Thanks:fire:

Added to the bookshelf!


:slightly_smiling_face: UPDATE January 2019 - new organization after years and download - see original post above. :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks great! :+1:

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UPDATE January 2020

:slightly_smiling_face: Year 2019 completed, annual download available. See original post above. :slightly_smiling_face:


@hofk Hello! I was noticing that the individual examples don’t have a date or forum post title listed with them. This would make it easier to find the examples in your index.

Is the code for the index open source somewhere so we can suggest modifications to add such features?

Everything is of course in the license like three.js itself.

I have to keep the workload on this thing to a minimum. See the discussions, links “Discussion about this side” at the bottom of *

With the extended examples I cannot guarantee the actuality.

For example, your example for “HTML-Buttons-Shadow” on eXtended eXamples currently works with Chrome, but not with Firefox.

Also I have to make a choice with the extended examples, it becomes more and more. I won’t post big projects, they are better found elsewhere.

If I find an example that is smaller but not so easy to copy, it will automatically become an extended example. It is possible to specify the links.

I collect the examples myself while reading and copy only the discourse link.

The editing (copy, addition of the HTML page) is done in irregular intervals. Sometimes there are then in the contribution already again other examples. There it becomes with the time sequence again an expenditure.

Sometimes there are contributions from previous years.

The wish list ( see Is it possible to add a button into the scene? - #11 by hofk ) can possibly be fulfilled by someone else. It is no problem to copy the existing years (there is also a complete download). The HTML pages are simple filled out lists of the elementary template lines above.

Then one can add a link to the completed page. :slightly_smiling_face:

When I was younger (see Module Import / Usage - #15 by hofk) and a high school teacher, this would have been a nice exercise for a student. :girl: :boy:

So basically what you’re saying is, the code is there, at, right?

What I meant is, do you have a code repo? for example on GitHub? This would encourage and make it easier for anyone to suggest code changes to improve the site.

I checked here but don’t see a repo:

I think your index is valuable, and would like to help propose changes when I find some time.

I’m imagining we can beautify it, organize the thumbnails into a nice grid (with information still visible), make the examples live code so editing code shows live updates, etc.

The individual years as a template copied e.g. for 2020 .

So would you like to put everything that is under on GitHub to make it easy to propose changes? Or you’re not interested in that? EDIT: Oh, I just saw your private message after this. I can reply there.

Hello: I am very new at threejs, but I really like it a lot!
I just got the Collection of examples from
I download and open the folders. I just double click on the .html file and some of them work, and some don’t… the DraggingObjects.html on folder 2019
works fine when double click on my computer…
but if I upload it to my server to see it on my web-page… it doesn’t work

I don’t change anything, why is not working on my site:
and why some of them work, and some don’t

it has to do with this?:

The console shows
ReferenceError: THREE is not defined

You must respect the structure of the folders.

script src=“…/js/three.min.106.js
in source code.

Or it is something with the configuration of your server?
See note @amitlzkpa How to add a .png texture to a cube - #2 by amitlzkpa

By the way, have you read this book? by three.js co-author and moderator looeee

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Thank you for that, but I guess that was my question…
script src="…/js/three.min.106.js"

when it says “…/” it means from somewhere …
where do I get that file, so I can upload it into my server <------ here

when I go to github, I don’t know how to get the actual file…
is there any place I can go and just download it easy…

thank you!

Actually this does not fit into this topic, but since other beginners may have similar problems, here are some explanations. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you download the zip-file from * you will get all necessary things in the folder structure I use.

If you look in the source code of
you see

2020-05-11 11.10.35

“…/” does not mean somewhere, but means “go to the next higher level folder”.

Then it says “js/”, so together “…/js/”

So you will find the file three.min.106.js in the folder js in the next higher level folder.

If you unzip the zip file, you will have many folders with the examples in the folder of the year.

If you look carefully, you will also find the folder js. The short name is often used for JavaScript scripts.

Open the folder and you will see the files I needed for the examples in this particular year.

If you put examples on your server, you either need to create the folder structure like mine, or you change the path to access the files.

In one of your examples I have seen:

2020-05-11 11.34.48

So you have your own structure /js/threeJS/ , which you probably always choose. You should be a bit constant there, otherwise you get mixed up easily.

Sometimes I see examples where the version of three.js is not clear to me, or the author has changed three.js. This is allowed. Then I just copy the file.

Just click on the .js link in the source code and the file will be displayed in the browser. Copy with Ctrl + C and paste it into your own code editor with Ctrl + V .

Now you can name the file correctly and copy it into your appropriate directory.


A statement (GetSources) was added below. 2020-05-11 17.29.29

With the module version it gets a bit more complicated for beginners.


Further information can be found at the bottom left corner of
* – Module usage

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Thank you. I got the first part…

I will read the module explanations!!!

Changes for 2018

Since 2018 the restrictions in the browsers have been tightened. Therefore the example VideoProjection and the underlying fiddle did not work anymore.

A play button was added.

In the example ChangeTextureByTime I had forgotten to copy the textures. Meanwhile the texture UV_Grid_Sm.jpg no longer exists on threejs. org examples textures.

Replaced by uv_grid_opengl.jpg

Please also download and replace the corrected file if necessary.