Collection of examples from

UPDATE 2020 See original post. :top:

The note on local use of the examples has been adapted with regard to the use of ES 6 modules since 2020.

2020-09-07 21.02.07

I have presented a very simple variant suitable for beginners. But I can only test it for Windows 10. If someone should test and briefly describe a correspondingly simple variant for other operating systems (with Apache?), I would like to add this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy and healthy New Year. :fireworks: :tada:

And the collection of last year’s examples is now available as a zip file. See original post.

This year @prisoner849 contributed more than 40 basic examples to the Collection of examples from discourse.:+1: :+1: :+1:

More than any other author.

By doing so, he has helped many users. For this he deserves a lot of thanks.

There are also excellent things from him in the extended examples.

Thank you, keep up the excellent work!


Thanks, Klaus :slight_smile:
As I said before, it wouldn’t be possible without our great three.js community :slight_smile:


I just noticed it and would like to just ask for the Hypnotising Ever-Rotating Squirrel of The Beginner Example to not be removed or tampered with during the further constructions - as it is absolutely perfect in every way. :’) :heart:



Have you ever worked on the task and put // in front of the line?

gltf.scene.position.set( -c.x, size.y / 2 - c.y, -c.z );  // put // in front of this line, try it out

Nope - I bet putting // in front of that line would make the squirrel disappear and I’m not falling for that. :slightly_frowning_face:

Btw, is the Almighty Omniorbitational Squirrel and the code part of an upcoming tutorial / guide :smiley: ?

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Wrong guess. :rofl:

The code is the tutorial itself. From practice I know that beginners want to experience visible successes quickly. And do not want to read pages and pages of theoretical introductions. Also too many hints, what else you can do, distract too much at the beginning and confuse.

Therefore only the links, so that one can read up with interest.

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One thing I’m curious about (or maybe a suggestion?) - browsing the page, both examples and the Home of The Squirrel, it’s very easy to see the result you mention - is there some obvious way to see the source :thinking: ? (I 100% blind, so I might be missing something super obvious :sweat_smile: )

Is there a way to see sources of the examples / squirrel without opening the devtools :thinking: (like in three’s official examples, the bottom-right button) ?

2021-02-15 10.52.48 and also to the original codes (jsfiddle, codepen …)

More effort I can’t do, see

2021-02-15 10.52.58

I just take Ctrl + U :slightly_smiling_face: and see the copied code and the links above. In the script again the author.

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2021-02-15 11.24.15


Changed on a hint, it was for Windows only.

2021-02-15 17.16.05

thank you hofk, your collection is super

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hi , i saw your example and is a good work , just i try to remove select part and i didn’t find how , any suggestion

I don’t know exactly what your problem is.
The collection has many examples, only some are from myself.

Do you perhaps mean the beginner example on the main page?

“select part” ? - What are you trying to remove?

This means when I select a part of a plan or grid how to deselect this part , as in your example “SelectFacesWithinRadius” when I press Enter all faces are deselected

I have to guess riddles. Why don’t you give the example ( the link) it’s about?

I have searched.

Do you mean from 2019 this example?

This is not from me, the authors are indicated.

see Select faces within radius

yes , i want to apply remove faces selected in this exemple MouseRectangle2D

@ibty Would be better to create a new question, instead of using this topic.

thanks guys

great job! thanks a lotttttttt! :grinning: