I have always felt the three examples website has been a bit of a letdown in transferring knowledge and was wondering if it would be worth opening a discussion about ways to improve it. Some suggestions from me…
Put a note as to what version a particular feature was added in. For some of us, it is difficult to just upgrade to the latest version of three all the time, so sometimes I like the look of an example and find it isn’t in my version. Perhaps being able to see and filter by version would help realize what I can and can’t use and also help make the decision whether to upgrade or not.
Have a short description where necessary. For beginners, some of the examples are not clear what’s even occurring or why it is useful. Where possible improve the comments in the code, I have seen various things in the examples where i have no idea why things are done the way they are and it ends up having to ask on the forum
To complement the above link to the relevant page in the docs where possible, at the moment the docs link to the examples.
Have the examples be able to load in code pen or similar. Currently, when you click the code button it opens up a new window and takes you to the source code, which is handy. But it would be really great if we could actually easily play around with the code. E.g. there may be a new feature that I want to test something out in, rather than me having to download everything and set it all up, being able to open up a sandbox(?) version would be great. I believe this may also help with forum support as someone would have a ready-to-go live setup they could clone and share as a basis for their question.
Middle-clicking an example thumbnail opens a new window but it doesn’t have the thumbnail sidebar I believe it should.
Ability to filter/search list
Some examples don’t work in Firefox, show a warning/flag the thumbnail instead of just nothing happening - this is important as some of us can’t use features that aren’t cross-browser supported.
Improve the interface…unfortunately, I cannot suggest exactly what and #6 would help, but just having a long scrollable list is not very user-friendly. Maybe collapsable categories.
Don’t get me wrong its all great stuff and very helpful, i just think, certainly for beginners, its not the easiest to navigate and get stuck in to.