How to remove interior faces while keeping exterior faces untouched?

The labyrinth @Mardonis and the solution @prisoner849 gave me the idea of a

This should be very easy to generate in many forms.

One result:20181116-1939-28937

I just added it to the collection. Collection of examples from

Have fun with it :slightly_smiling_face:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- --> <!--  -->

	<title> BoxLabyrinthCreation3D </title>
	<meta charset="utf-8" />

	<script src="../js/three.min.98.js"></script>
	<script src="../js/BufferGeometryUtils.js"></script> <!-- not in the core -->
	<script src="../js/OrbitControls.js"></script>
	<script src="../js/THREEx.WindowResize.js"></script>


// @author hofk

'use strict';

The characters on the keyboard have been chosen so that they roughly reflect the form.

wall description
sides l f r b is left front right back, with floor and roof

char sides
G	l f r b   can only be achieved by beaming
M	l f r
C	b l f
3	f r b
U	l b r
H	l r
:	f b
F	l f
7	f r
L	l b
J	b r
I	l 
1	r
-	f
.	b

without walls
since extra character not possible on the wall
* roof and floor
^ roofless
v floorless
x roofless and floorless

with four side walls but roofless and floorless

var designBoxLabyrinth3D = [
// upper storey first
'     M         G', // 1
'     H          ', // 2
'     H          ', // 3
'   F-*--7       ', // 4
'   I*7**1       ', // 5
' C:v*L.**:::7   ', // 6
'   L*...J   U   ', // 7
'    H           ', // 8
'    L::::3      '  // 9	
'                ', // 1
'                ', // 2
'                ', // 3
'                ', // 4
'                ', // 5
'   #            ', // 6
'                ', // 7
'                ', // 8
'                '  // 9	
'F::3            ', // 1
'H    F:::::7    ', // 2
'H    H     H    ', // 3
'H  F-*-7   H    ', // 4
'H  I****:::1    ', // 5
'L::x***1   H    ', // 6
'   I...J   H    ', // 7
'   H   F:7 L:::7', // 8
'   L:::J L:::::J'  // 9	

var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 55, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 100 );
camera.position.set( 2, 10, 25 );
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
renderer.setClearColor( 0x111111, 1 );	
var container = document.createElement( 'div' );
document.body.appendChild( container );
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); 
THREEx.WindowResize( renderer, camera );
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );

var texture	= new THREE.TextureLoader().load( "brick.jpg" );
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: texture	, side: THREE.DoubleSide } );

var boxes = [];
var index = [];
var storeys = designBoxLabyrinth3D.length;

for( var f = 0; f < storeys; f ++ ) {
	for( var r = 0; r < designBoxLabyrinth3D[ f ].length; r ++ ) {
		for( var c = 0; c < designBoxLabyrinth3D[ f ][ r ].length; c ++ ) {

			boxes.push( createBox( designBoxLabyrinth3D[ storeys - 1 - f ][ r ][ c ] ) );			



var labyrinthGeometry = THREE.BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries( boxes );
var labyrinthMesh = new THREE.Mesh( labyrinthGeometry, material );
scene.add( labyrinthMesh );


function animate() {

	requestAnimationFrame( animate );	
	renderer.render( scene, camera );

function createBox( icon ) {

	var g = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( );
	index = [];
	switch ( icon ) {
		case 'G': box_G( );     break;
		case 'M': box_M( );     break;
		case 'C': box_C( );     break;						
		case '3': box_3( );     break;
		case 'U': box_U( );     break;
		case 'H': box_H( );     break;	
		case ':': box_colon( ); break;
		case 'F': box_F( );     break;
		case '7': box_7( );     break;
		case 'L': box_L( );     break;
		case 'J': box_J( );     break;		
		case 'I': box_I( );     break;
		case '1': box_1( );     break;
		case '-': box_minus( ); break;			
		case '.': box_dot( );   break;
		case '*': box_multi( ); break;			
		case '^': box_caret( ); break;
		case 'v': box_v( );     break;
		case 'x': box_x( );     break;
		case '#': box_sharp( ); break;						
		default: box_x( );
	g.setIndex( index );
	// position  c, f, r  	
	for ( let xidx = 0; xidx < 72; xidx += 3 ) {
		g.getAttribute('position').array[ xidx ] = g.getAttribute('position').array[ xidx ] + c;
	for ( let yidx = 1; yidx < 72; yidx += 3 ) {
		g.getAttribute('position').array[ yidx ] = g.getAttribute('position').array[ yidx ] + f;
	for ( let zidx = 2; zidx < 72; zidx += 3 ) {
		g.getAttribute('position').array[ zidx ] = g.getAttribute('position').array[ zidx ] + r;
	return g;


function px( ) { index.push( 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1 ) }
function nx( ) { index.push( 4, 6, 5, 6, 7, 5 ) }
function py( ) { index.push( 8, 10, 9, 10, 11, 9 ) }
function ny( ) { index.push( 12, 14, 13, 14, 15, 13 ) }
function pz( ) { index.push( 16, 18, 17, 18, 19, 17 ) }
function nz( ) { index.push( 20, 22, 21, 22, 23, 21 ) }

function box_G( ) { px( ); nx( ); py( ); ny( ); pz( ); nz( ) }
function box_M( ) { px( ); nx( ); py( ); ny( ); nz( ) }
function box_C( ) { nx( ); py( ); ny( ); pz( ); nz( ) }
function box_3( ) { px( ); py( ); ny( ); pz( ); nz( ) }
function box_U( ) { px( ); nx( ); py( ); ny( ); pz( ) }
function box_H( ) { px( ); nx( ); py( ); ny( ) }
function box_colon( ) { py( ); ny( ); pz( ); nz( ) }
function box_F( ) { nx( ); py( ); ny( ); nz( ) }
function box_7( ) { px( ); py( ); ny( );  nz( ) }
function box_L( ) { nx( ); py( ); ny( ); pz( ) }
function box_J( ) { px( ); py( ); ny( ); pz( ) }
function box_I( ) { nx( ); py( ); ny( ) }
function box_1( ) { px( ); py( ); ny( ) }
function box_minus( ) { py( ); ny( ); nz( ) }
function box_dot( ) { py( ); ny( ); pz( ) }
function box_multi( ) { py( ); ny( ) };
function box_caret( ) { ny( ) }
function box_v( ) { py( ) }
function box_x( ) {  }
function box_sharp( ) { px( ); nx( ); pz( ); nz( ) }

