(1) it’s possible to export line segments directly from Blender. You’d need to first convert the mesh triangles to just lines, and then enable the “Loose Edges” option at export. Then you can swap out the material to whatever you need in three.js and won’t have to worry about, e.g., diagonal lines going through the middle of your quads.
(2) load the triangular mesh in three.js, simplify it to just hard edges with EdgesGeometry, and then render from there.
I’d probably lean toward (1), but if you want very custom wireframe effects, some of those are easier with triangles than with actual lines. Like these: GitHub - mattdesl/webgl-wireframes: Stylized Wireframe Rendering in WebGL, which require computing barycentric coordinates for your geometry as well.
@donmccurdy Could you give a little more context around number 1? I was looking for something in Blender (3.0) that sounded like converting mesh triangles to lines, but couldn’t exactly find it. The closest was converting “tris to quads” but that didn’t seem to do much.
The workflow that I’m hoping will be possible is:
1.) Create (relatively box-like) model in Blender with simple bsdf material(s)
2.) Do the “conversion” method you mention in your post converting to lines
3.) Export gltf with “loose edges” option selected
4.) Render gltf in three with aforementioned bsdf material as well as nice lines rendering with a second material that has been defined
I try to achieve a similar effect on LineSegments, that are loaded as GLTF into my scene, but no dashes are appearing… here is my code snippet for the GLTF-Load and the dahed lines, can anybody tell me whats missing or why it’s not working?
// Material for dashed lines
let dashLine = new THREE.LineDashedMaterial({color: 0xff0000, dashSize: 0.01, gapSize: 0.01});
// GLTF Loader
loader.load( 'LEGO-Copter_Explode_Lines_mesh.gltf', function ( gltf ) {
const model = gltf.scene;
//finding LineSegments in GLTF-file
model.traverse((node) => {
if (!node.isLine) return;
node.material = dashLine;
scene.add( model );
} );
I also got a message in the cosnole but don’t know what it means and how to avoid this error:
“THREE.LineSegments.computeLineDistances(): Computation only possible with non-indexed BufferGeometry.”
I’m totally new to ThreeJS and also JS, a total noob ^^