Full disclaimer, I’m a houdini artist in my day job, pretend to read code, but its not my thing, so take all I say with a grain of salt or two. 
@manthrax , re the points you raise re being planar or the diagonal being added one way or the other, I think that’s an accepted known issue in all 3d apps; if your quads aren’t small enough and planar enough that you end up seeing odd trangulation issues, or triangles start to flip orientation as the mesh animates, well, thats on the artist to identify and correct. the pros in terms of easier to understand rigging, weight painting, uv’s, edge selection etc, outweigh the cons.
@donmccurdy he’s definitely rendering triangles, you can turn off smooth shading and see the mesh in all its triangly glory, but as long as saving/loading returns the quads as i left them, and you either make the quads small enough that you don’t see the triangles, and/or turn on smooth shading, its not really an issue for the end user.
The specific issue in morphin is painting weights; having quads makes it much easier to see what you’re doing, get less distracted:
vs triangles, where the edge layout can often fight against you and make it hard to see what you’re doing:
There’s also the question of being able to cleanly apply subdivision to a mesh, without quads this can create all sorts of pimples and shading artifacts. Morphin doesn’t do this, but if it does, or if we could send the animated meshes out to something like the amazing threejs pathtracer, being able to subdivide cleanly would be great.
Regardless, you’ve all answered the question that its not supported in threejs atm, thanks for all the replies and extra info!