Loading large 3d files

Hi, does anybody know how to load large 3d files up to 4gb ,which technique should be implement to get that 4gb 3d view
Now when i try to load 500mb files my lap got stuck
pls give any examples

what format are the files you’re trying to load and what makes them so large in size?

Im trying to load a (.fbx) file and i am doing a college project (creating a 3d view for loading large files)

Chrome Ram limit 4gb

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This forum is plenty of replies sharing tips regarding that issue, like this one. Consider using the search box

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Hi do you know any techniques,if any can you implement it?
iam a beginner


Yes, this is a broad subject that has been covered a few times throughout this forum with the general direction and idea being consistent with three’s overview documentation on loading 3D models. This is a great preliminary read in terms of the basic capabilities of in browser model viewing / rendering.

Here are some additional threads that have covered this subject before also…

There are also many more when searching the topics…

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I will suggest to load in glb format with draco compression

I have converted file of 500MB fbx file to 30MB with draco + subdivision modifier without losing too much quality.

Hi @vaibhav_khating can you explain how to do that

Do you use blender?

Conversion between formats in non-trivial and Blender is a good option for that. You’ll likely need to adjust materials, see Blender’s glTF addon docs.

Once you have a GLB, it can be optimized with a number of tools. For example:

npm install --global @gltf-transform/cli

gltf-transform optimize in.glb out.glb --compress draco --simplify true

not yet,i will check :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks,i will look

can you explain the full method of how to compress these files
my task is to load min 4gb files so its a big task ,if we cam compress the 4gb files its easy to load
iam new to 3js and didnt heard about draco and other things

We can’t really be more specific about the full method without knowing what’s in the files. Compression alone is probably not enough – three.js must decompress before rendering, and holding the original 4 GB in memory after decompression will fail. I would start with the gltf-transform command recommended above, and see where that gets you. If you’re still having trouble it may be necessary to share an example file, or a more detailed explanation of the contents. You can see the contents with gltf-transorm inspect my-model.glb.

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There’s some great resources on how to load fbx files in three.js also if you’re completely unfamiliar with the process of loading 3D model files / fbx on the web… Take a look at the source code of this fbx loader example, if you give this a try loading a link to one of your raw 4GB fbx files (both locally and from a hosted server, as both will vary in result), you may find you’ll end up back on this thread with some deeper questions…