Considerations for loading large glb files

Mhm 400mb size is a warning of:

  • Most of the time it is 90% un-optimized textures. Please avoid images larger than 2048px side, and apply compression mechanisms. See this thread:

Update: My former .glb file was 570,4 MB with textures. My new .glb file without textures is 1,4 MB. WOW

  • If optimizing textures doesn’t give you a smaller file, then you are most deffinitely using ‘high-poly’ meshes. Keep in mind that threejs GLTFLoader has a limit for vertices, you can’t just expect that it works beyond some boundaries. If that is the case, embrace low-poly generation (not only convert to). Read about it, search on YouTube etc.

Also, web browser have their own maximum for loading files. That is the current bottleneck for wasm et al, beyond 250mb browsers can’t allocate that amount of memory and simply crash.

Now you are probably thinking that this is somehow going to compromise the quality, right? Think about google maps: every vis challenge have its scale, zoom and level of detail.
Is there a chance that a 5-store building would be shown at fully detail simultaneously? Enter spatial partitioning systems and occlusion culling technics