Maximum 3d model size to load

It does nothing to the model, just prints a bunch of stats that will help to figure out why your browser might be crashing. :slight_smile:

It’s hard to give general advice on the appropriate size for a model, it depends, but I think the Khronos 3D Commerce guidelines (intended for e-commerce sites) are a reasonable starting point.

Copied a key section below:

  • File Size: Ideally less than 5MB. Note that as glTF geometry and texture compression extensions, such as glTF Universal Textures using the KTX container and geometry compression using Draco, on the glTF roadmap become widely available, smaller assets or more visual fidelity at the same asset size will be possible.
  • Draw calls: should be minimized by consolidating meshes, and using fewer materials.
  • Triangle Count: 100,000 triangles or less.
  • Texture Aspect Ratio: use power of 2 resolutions, square aspect ratio is not required.
  • Texture Size: Use 1024*1024 (1K) or 2048*2048 (2K) for BaseColor, ORM and Emissive maps. 2K is recommended for Normal maps which are more sensitive to reduced resolutions than even Albedo maps. Normals Maps are also severely sensitive to JPG artifacts - a 2K JPG giving the same quality as same as 1K PNG normal map.