Virtual Garden-Temple / Sacred Space [WIP]

Hello hello!

I’m a graphic design graduate student and for my thesis project, I’ve been building an online sacred space (still very much a work in progress). The idea was to create an immersive experience aimed at transcendence, at a time when we’re all restricted to our homes and screens, with depression and nihilism running rampant through society.

I’ve only been coding in JS for about a year now, and most of that was in p5.js (as seen in the little mandala generator I managed to add on the landing page!), so everything here is just basic primitives and this space is nowhere close to as polished as I hope for it to be (the goal is to have something as finished as [this] (New Dawn | Virtual Space), but I’m at a point where I thought I’d ask people for thoughts, opinions, resources, and maybe even if they’d like to collaborate – I like the idea of a people on the internet building a temple together :))

The live demo is here: Virtual Temple

Do let me know what you think! I have big ambitions for this space - for instance, I’d like to implement a generator that randomises just about every element in here so that its a different space or time of day every time you visit; for every element to be interactive, much like the way the pathway rises to the camera movement; and even a back-end server that allows you to see the other people presently in this space (which is well beyond my capabilities). As well as make this less rigid, more open, free and zen garden-like; in between a garden and a temple.

PS I made the music myself too! Tbh that’s what I’m proudest of


I like that combination of visuals and sound :beers: