THREE.AnimationMixer Bones Problem on ANDROID (iOS ok)

What causes this Bones problem ONLY on ANDROID Chrome …
(latest Android Version)

The Material ist set to skinning true; (i also go trough “traverse”)

With this message on Device debugging
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-01 um 13.54.32

On iPhone it works perfect
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-01 um 13.54.20

I googled over 4 hours :confused: and find nothing…

Did somebody had the same problem?


The missing support for OES_texture_float means your device does not support floating point textures. That means the skinning code has to use an alternative code path with limited support.

Can you please share some details about your Android device? Model, hardware, built year?

Besides how many bones does your character model have?

Can you please share some details about your Android device? Model, hardware, built year?

Device: Huawei p20 pro

Besides how many bones does your character model have?

It’s a simple standard MIXAMO Animation - see image (BoneView)
Imported/Loaded as .glb

Can you please verify how this example works on your device?

The soldier model is from Mixamo, too.

Can you share a link to your app? I can test the model with my Pixel 1.

Code is just for testing, bad formating

Looks absolutely fine (tested with latest Android and Chrome) :thinking:

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ok cool, maybe it’s a unique hardware problem on my site? What about the alternative Code for skinning. I wanna test …
i simulated some phones on Browserstack: Pixel works fine, but e.g Samsung10 same problem
The Soldier DEMO works perfect

I found a SOLUTION online:

As soon as you import the model into Blender (and all the meshes are selected by default) clear the rotation, location, and scale. Then , if the model is facing the wrong way, press ‘n’ to show the Transform panel, select the root mesh node in the Outliner, and rotate it as needed. Then, click ctrl+A to apply the rotation.

WORKFLOW with MIXAMO Models: download the model as FBX from MIXAMO - open it in BLENDER and follow the instructions above.

Sneaky Workaround …