Single-branched geometry organically shaped in the web editor

Based on my very simple editor from
Construction of frames with contour/profile,
and the triangulation
Addon for triangulation of implicit surfaces/ forms with holes
Triangulation cylinder with holes
I have created a web editor for single-branched geometries.

A simple example

Several values and options can be set in the modal start dialog. You can start a new design or import a saved design.

The manual/help is available as a pdf file in English

and German

Below are links on the graphic of Etterstudio
and on my avatar hofk (Klaus Hoffmeister) · GitHub , which was created with this software.

The generated geometries can be saved as a three.js geometry definition or as a mesh in GLTF format.

On the page Showcase: SingleBranchedGeometryEditor
you can find some pictures. These geometries can be created quite quickly with the editor.

Some operating steps can be seen in videos. Showcase: SingleBranchedGeometryEditor

Please note the keys to be pressed when moving the mouse.