Is there an example or good hint how to achieve this in Threejs as well:
Did some tutorials and ended up with this - wasn´t that hard at the end…
geometry.vertices.forEach(function(v) {
var zPos = self._snoise2d(v.x * 0.2, v.z * 0.2) * 0.5;
v.y += zPos;
geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
Now it would be “ace” to get a hint or tipp where to find an animated “ribbon” example as well…
with THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry()
and THREE.ShaderMaterial()
will help.
Have a look at these topics:
“Clouds of cubes” has implementation of Perlin noise in shaders.
Or if you want Perlin noise at the side of javascript, take a look at this example:
or this one
All so cool, thank you - will have a look!
You don´t have a proper and good example of how to animate Ribbons or CatmullRomCurve3 in Threejs too?
Sounds a bit enigmatic. Could you provide an explanatory picture with the desired result?
More something like those ribbons move in here:
You can easily have a look into the source code of this great example.
Oh oh - mostly I don´t dare to do it cause today everything is bundled and minified… but will do. I was just hoping for some´ like an Threejs example or else that explains the “basics” if that makes sense…