Need Jobs For My Life

Hallo, May i know how to get Job? i ve over 2 years for web developmen and a year for THREE JS as WebXR, WebVR, WebAR, WebGL

if you want to know more you can replay this. Thank you

Probably belongs better in Discussion than in Jobs - since you’re not really posing a job offer :sweat_smile:

Getting a job in WebGL / 3D is considerably way harder than in any other development category (ex. react / vue for SaaS startups.)

  1. Build pretty stuff and show creativity - most easily done by creating a Twitter account, coding unique and weird stuff, and then joining the threejs hashtag - official three.js account gives amazing exposure by retweeting cool projects.
  2. 1 month of experience and 10 cool looking experiments will be worth more than 2 years of experience and nothing to show (“I signed an NDA” won’t work for webgl :smiling_face_with_tear:.) Learn and build cool stuff on the side and you’re bound to get pinged by project owners.

can i show only code? cause i create XR not WebGL stuff

The market is pretty bad. If there is no demand for what you offer it’s going to be hard.

that’s my portofolio, thanx guys

yaps, but who knows. if im not doing anything, i cant survive.

Threejs jobs are unfortunately not guaranteed. I’m also looking for work, so if I get a job for example, you wont get it and vice versa.


I have done so many jobs with threejs, in fact I owe my income to threejs during pandemic, threejs kept me alive for making 3d based websites and open world games, You just need to make yourself know and off course most importantly connect with the right people to serve, the right clients is important, success requires strategies.

You should review who are the clients you are connected to, are these clients the type that ask you to do something and turn around and say they don’t want it, or are these the clients that pays you to do jobs.