Minimum level you must have to find a job related to three.js


For you, what are the points you must excel to find a job related to three.js ? I am good at building shapes, making them move, animating surface, changing the lights, making some gloomy effect. But what is the minimum level to have for you ?
Thanks for your answer

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Similarly to pretty much any gamedev-likish job - practical experience. Due to Three.js Journey having the basic skills is just a matter of paying $99 and spending a week watching videos.

  1. Build stuff - WebGL is 25% code, 50% creativity, 25% hacking around the limitations imposed by 3D in the browser while people simultaneously ask you where the threejs-realtime-raytracing at :smiling_face_with_tear:
  2. Annoy Mugen87 with a few PRs from time to time - shows you know your way around three.js source (which is not a complicated code, but since tutorials never go over it, the amount of people understanding internals of three.js is limited.)

I don’t do freelancing, so my opinion below might be quite off-centered.

There is no threshold, so there is no minimum level (apart from the absolute minimum 0). The more you know, the higher the chance is. In your list of skills you may add GLSL and shaders, as a lot of nice visual effects require some low-level programming. Also, you need to know some optimization techniques. And to be able to demonstrate your skills (with a portfolio, some projects, etc).

However, being at any level is not a state, but a process. I.e. you should never stop expanding your skills vertically and horizontally.

  • horizontally - Three.js has surprisingly large spectrum of functionalities, so you will benefit from learning all the things Three.js can offer
  • vertically/downwards - You could learn WebGL, GLSL, shaders as a lot of Three.js jobs are like this “Can you make a site that looks like that site” … and almost always that site uses some custom shaders
  • vertically/upwards - It will increase your value if you learn higher level systems. For example, if you know R3F, you can do some things in minutes (instead of hours and days in case you use pure Three.js; or months/years if you use WebGL)

Meanwhile, you can browse the Jobs sections in the forum. Look at the jobs that are well defined in terms of required skills. If you meet 2/3 of these job offers, then you are OK.

And finally, just knowing things is not sufficient in some cases. The same way as knowing how to use chisel and hammer does not make you Michelangelo.


What everyone said above, but I’d add being a competent web developer, as three.js is really an auxiliary skill - can you create an app/site from the ground up and get it hosted on the web? And you also want to know a bit about 3d modeling - can some one give you a .glb they want to use that " isn’t working" or “makes things too slow” and you identify the issues using a modeling software? I consider these skills as foundational to be an effective three.js dev.


Yes, that’s primordial