It is kinda like the THREE.Projector that is being discussed in this PR, but it doesn’t act as a light.
Rather it acts as a texture on the object, and it has some math to keep the original image proportions and handle multiple projections.
Hope it might allow someone to do some cool projects!
Hi, that seems interesting. And just a heads up, while every example wors fine for me on chrome, they throw an error on firefox (on ubuntu):
Failed to create WebGL context: failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: Compositor is not hardware-accelerated. 3 [three.module.js:23457:28](
THREE.WebGLRenderer: Error creating WebGL context with your selected attributes. [three.module.js:23526:11](
Uncaught Error: Error creating WebGL context with your selected attributes.
Hmm, this only happens on ubuntu, I disabled the failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat flag of WebGLRenderer. It shouldn’t break now, but maybe performances will be bad.