Hi guys, I have released a new version of my project “Little Constructor”.
The spirit of this resourse is that it can help to make funny moments.
DESC: App that let you create houses using basic geometrial shapes. Based on ‘Little constructor ThreeJS’ with new UX, now it is user friendly. Following @javidx9 tutorial I made my own 3D Engine (javascript), this time I am using ThreeJS. I hope you enjoy it.Motivation:
SOURCE CODE GIT: https://github.com/mfontanadev/appLittleConstructor/tree/ThreeJSEx
ENJOY AT: https://mfontanadev.github.io/games/deployLittleConstructorThreeJSEx/index.html
ITCH.IO: https://mfontanadev.itch.io/little-contructor-3d
SITE: https://mfontanadev.github.io/
Thanks, let me know if you construct an amazing house.