I added a HemisphereLight to my scene. My threejs version is 0.156.0
const hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xFFFFFF, 0xDBDBDB, 3);
const lightcontainer.add(hemiLight);
....some code....
I added GUI to find the best light for my scene.
const gui = new GUI({ width: 260 });
const hlightFolder = gui.addFolder('hemiLight');
hlightFolder.add(hemiLight, 'intensity', 0, 5);
hlightFolder.addColor(hemiLight, 'color');
hlightFolder.addColor(hemiLight, 'groundColor');
Everything work fine except my HemisphereLight color changed!
From 0xDBDBDB to 0xb4b4b4 in the GUI. I try different values but all become darker.
Same thing happen:
- if I put another value in the skycolor or groundcolor.
- if I remove the gui (maybe the gui changed it but no)
- if I put the color in different format like rgb 0xDBDBDB => 219,219,219 (maybe a conversion error but no)
- if I set the color after the constructor (hemiLight.color.set)
The strange thing too is if I set the color within in the GUI. The color is well set…
Any idea why the HemisphereLight colors are darken and updated automatically ?