Seems big FPS drop when seeing an object animated. wondering if could be tied to the actual way the 3D modeler animated the objects or something to do with how three.js reads animations in loop.
Depends - how complex is the object and the animations? How many armatures / skeletons? How many bones? How many animation timelines?
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Yes, could be. Who knows.
“FPS drop” is not a useful description of an issue. Is it 500 down to 250 fps? Or more like 60 down to 30 fps? And what are you even comparing?
Some wisdom from over 20 years ago: FPS Versus Frame Time
thanks guys.
call it drop from 60 to 28 with bunch of frame drops…
are you saying frame times inside the animation can affect the performance?
You’ll have to either share a demo, or run a profile in Chrome devtools (or another browser). Not much hope of guessing – a profile will show what functions are taking up the time.