Environment Map Quality Problem

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to build app needs realistic rendering. So First im trying to make everything okay for HDR environment map.

As far as i see in documentation .fromEquirectangular code gives an output 256x256
so my background resolution too low. it is okay but real my wonder is whether this issue has an effect on light quality also for scene.environment. Because it will effect realistic rendering.

I’m using following code for env map.

function loadEnvironment(url) {

    let rgbeLoader = new RGBELoader();
    return new Promise(resolve => {

        rgbeLoader.load(url, function (texture) {

            let pmremGenerator = new PMREMGenerator(renderer);

            let envMap = pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(texture).texture;

            //scene.background = envMap;
            //scene.environment = envMap;




In the mean time for the resolution i tried the code below

				var envMap = new THREE.WebGLCubeRenderTarget( 4096, cubeRenderOpts2 ).fromEquirectangularTexture( renderer, texture );

It solves the resolution but at this time scene.environment doesnt give any light.

If you can help me about this issue it will be a good clean start for me and will be appreciated.

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If you want a sharp background, it’s best when you not use the output of PMREMGenerator. Simply do this:

rgbeLoader.load(url, function (texture) {

    scene.background = texture;


There is not need to convert it to the cube map format.

Thanks @Mugen87 , it solved my problem for sharp background.

But what about scene.environment.
when i use 4k hdr it gives love resolution anyway. so doest it effect my realistic rendering?

For Scene.environment, use the output of PMREMGenerator. Otherwise the PBR materials won’t render physically correct anymore.

should i use envmap for materials like material.envMap = envMap; or it generates automatically?

And for sharp env yes your solution solved sharpnes. But this time envrioments doesnt rotate it is stable. So it is looking like object is turning only

Use the output of PMREMGenerator if you use a PBR material like MeshStandardMaterial.

Not sure what you mean by that. Do you mind demonstrating this with a live example?

loadEnvironment('src/env/hdri/lilienstein_4k.hdr').then(function (envMap) {
        scene.background = envMap;
        scene.environment = envMap;

            // resource URL
            // called when the resource is loaded
            function (gltf) {

                gltf.scene.traverse(function (obj) {
                    if (obj instanceof Mesh) {
                        let materialAO = "models/room/bakeAO.jpg";
                        let ao = LoadTextureCorrected(textureLoader, materialAO);

                        obj.material.aoMap = ao;

                        // let materialLight = "models/room/lightMap.png";
                        // let lightMap = LoadTextureCorrected(textureLoader, materialLight);
                        // obj.material.lightMap = lightMap;

                        obj.material.receiveShadow = true;
                        obj.material.castShadow = true;
                        obj.material.envMap = envMap;

                        if (obj.material.name == "floor") {
                            obj.material.map.wrapS = obj.material.map.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
                            obj.material.map.repeat.set(10, 10);
                            obj.material.roughness = 1;
                            obj.receiveShadow = true;

                        if (obj.material.name == "wall") {
                            obj.material.map.wrapS = obj.material.map.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
                            obj.material.map.repeat.set(15, 15);
                            obj.material.roughness = 1;


            // called while loading is progressing
            function (xhr) {

                console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100) + '% loaded');

            // called when loading has errors
            function (error) {

                console.log('An error happened');



is there anything wrong for envMap?

For your second thing
I have mouselook control in my app. When i turn the camera enviorenment is stable. you see only one view of environment. it comes to user like house is turning not camera.

When using Scene.environment, it is not necessary to assign this map to the envMap property of your materials. More information in the documentation:


However, you should preprocess the environment map with PMREMGenerator if you assign it to Scene.environment (or envMap) and use a PBR material. You are not doing this in your code snippet.

The codes for pmrem as below. Arent they okay ?

My function
function loadEnvironment(url) {

    let rgbeLoader = new RGBELoader();
    return new Promise(resolve => {

        rgbeLoader.load(url, function (texture) {

            let pmremGenerator = new PMREMGenerator(renderer);

            let envMap = pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(texture).texture;




And usage of function

loadEnvironment('src/env/hdri/woods_4k.hdr').then(function (envMap) {
        scene.background = envMap;
        scene.environment = envMap;

I have gltf object and all materials already assigned. Should i create a meshstandardmaterial?

I think I told you before that you should not do this if you want a sharp background.

MeshStandardMaterial is the default material when using GLTFLoader.

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@Mugen87 sharping was okay but when i rotate the camera enviroment is not stable. It is rotating either.

You can see in pics what i mean.

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+1 on this issue

Goal is to use an HDR equirectangular texture as the envMap to obtain physically correct lighting on a model while also having the scene.background use the same HDR equirectangular texture except that the background should be bigger than 256x256 so it looks hi-res.

When using an original hdr texture as the scene.background, the texture is hi-res but the issue is it appears to be fixed in the viewport. So when you use orbit controls, it appears that the model and scene is rotating, while the camera and background are fixed.


	this.pmremGenerator = new THREE.PMREMGenerator( this.el.sceneEl.renderer );

	new RGBELoader()
		.setDataType( UnsignedByteType )
		.load( '/textures/studio_2k.hdr', ( texture ) => {

			// generate envMap used for lighting
			const envMap = this.pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular( texture ).texture;

			// set visual background
			this.el.sceneEl.object3D.background = texture; // OG texture

			// apply PMREM texture as envMap on all motorcycle materials
			this.el.sceneEl.object3D.environment = envMap;

		} );


Using the PMREM version of the texture as the scene.background solves the issue of it seeming “fixed” to the viewport but the issue then is it looks low res since it’s 256x256, which you can really see in the light in my screenshot.


	this.pmremGenerator = new THREE.PMREMGenerator( this.el.sceneEl.renderer );

	new RGBELoader()
		.setDataType( UnsignedByteType )
		.load( '/textures/studio_2k.hdr', ( texture ) => {

			// generate envMap used for lighting
			const envMap = this.pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular( texture ).texture;

			// set visual background
			this.el.sceneEl.object3D.background = envMap; // envMap cube texture

			// apply PMREM texture as envMap on all motorcycle materials
			this.el.sceneEl.object3D.environment = envMap;

		} );


What’s the best technique to have a scene.background image that matches the envMap but is also high-res to make the scene look realistic? I’d imagine using a hi-res cubemap version of the texture would do the trick, but how do I convert my equirectangular image to a cubemap and maintain resolution? Or is there another solution I’m not thinking of?

A good example of what I’m trying to accomplish is Virtual Studio. If you click on the environments you see this…

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

I have the same problem. Did anybody solve it?