Problems with envMaps when updating from r130 to r131

environmentEquirectangularTexture.mapping = THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping;
scene.environment = environmentEquirectangularTexture;
This code gives the environment of the scene, and the effect is

const envMap = this.pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(environmentEquirectangularTexture).texture;
this.scene.environment = envMap;
This code gives the environment of the scene, and the effect is

I think the code in the editor uses the first code, but implements the second. What’s the problem.
The same code is updated from version 130 to version 131, and the effect is different?

Starting with r131, PMREMGenerator is now integrated in WebGLRenderer. It is not necessary anymore to use in on app level for converting an environment map from the equirectangular or cube map to the cubeUV format (which is used for a PMREM).

Keep in mind that using the envMap of MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial without PMREMGenerator is a user error. The new system ensures that PBR materials are always used with correct PMREMs.

OK, thank you very much for your reply