Collection of examples from

Another year is coming to an end. :fireworks:

The zip file of the 2023 vintage is available for download. See original post.

From February onwards, the examples piled up, especially due to contributions from @PavelBoytchev and @prisoner849, so that I didn’t manage to include them in the collection. However, I tried to at least enter all suitable examples in a link list. At the end of the year, I took the time to add the examples to the collection. To minimize the effort, I did not always use the original three.js release, but only r149 and r158. Therefore the zip file is comparatively small.

If I have overlooked an indispensable example, please let me know. I can add it later.

The small error
container = document.getElementById( 'container' ); without const in front
in the BufferGeometryIndexed example from 2022 has now also been corrected in the zip file. Download again if necessary.

:slightly_smiling_face:I wish all users a happy new year.:slightly_smiling_face: