Atlas of Space: interactive Solar System explorer

I recently published the Atlas of Space ( an interactive exploration of the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in the Solar System. Three.js was a key enabler, and I’ve been evangelizing it pretty hard to anybody who asked how my project was made!

I posted the project to Hacker News earlier this week and got about 36k visitors, 700+ upvotes, and 100+ comments, including comments that are really just praise for Three.js:

The project is amazing, thanks and congrats.
A bit of an off-topic comment, I can’t cease to be amazed by the quality of HTML apps we can build these days. I remember the days when rendering too many rows on a table could completely break the browser.

The source code is available here:


Thanks for sharing.
This is a nice presentation (the shading helps a lot) and obviously involved a lot of work.
It should be on every Starfleet Commanders’ desk.