Wondering if anyone has experience with exporting from Maya to threejs.
I’m exporting .obj and .mtl files and converting them with obj2gltf
The scene has models with semi-transparent material settings. These are lost in translation. Any ideas on how to ensure transparency settings are retained would be appreciated… thanks 
Do you have the same issues when trying other export options from Maya? For example:
Hi Don,
I tried the Wonder Media Maya2glTF. The outcome: transparency is possible with a texture but not a material.
I scaled back the scene to one poly cube with a phong material. The material had a semi-transparent transparency setting. I triggered the Maya2glTF script which adds the “glTF_PBR.ogsfx” file. That file overrides the initial material settings and sets a new material in the attribute editor called “GLSLShader1”.
The new material has settings but none are like the transparency slider on the initial phong material. I guess that means… no transparent materials for you! (read using the soup nazi voice).
Since materials didn’t work I tried creating a semi-transparent .png file that I used as a texture. This method does elicit semi-transparent geometry.
As instructed by the Wonder Media “To shade:” instructions I switched the Technique from Solid to Transparent.
Following that I added my texture to the selected geometry in “Base color map (sRGB)” under the “PBR Material” drop-down on the Attribute Editor. It’s this last step that needs to be done to get semi-transparent geometry in the export.
To conclude… to get semi-transparent geometry with the Wonder Media exporter… use textures, not materials.
Thanks for your help.
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Sounds like something that could be fixed in Maya2glTF itself, so probably worth filing an issue there. 
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