What would you call this type of shader?

I’m looking at creating something similar, but unsure where to start, so wanted to search for something similar but unsure how it is called?

I’d call it “XRay shader”


that could be done with a transparent MeshMatcapMaterial with a bright ring / dark middle texture


If you are into writing shaders I’d give Xray shader a try. It only takes computing the dot product between (normalized) surface normal and position in view space, so its fast and support pointclouds as well (per-vertex).

Some time ago I tested porting into three.js the meshlab implementation, which is available at their official github repo :crossed_fingers:t3:


glow or atmosphere

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Something like this maybe: Help | floating animation - #13 by prisoner849


thanks everyone! All ideas helped me and if it helps anyone else i ended up using this but tweaking it abit…

not sure if this is what @Antonio was meaning, but looks good to me

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