I’m building a 3D room by react three fiber and Drei, using MeshReflectorMaterial to mimic the reflection.
The strange thing is that, when apply the reflector material to a mesh modeled in Blender, the reflection is distorted, as the gray thin box below, which is the mesh.
it is very limited, it only works on surfaces that have a natural 0/0/1 direction and are then flipped up x: -Math.PI / 2, just like a normal planegeometry that you have to flip to look upwards. you have to make sure the ground in blender points 0/0/1 and is then rotated to face upwards. THREE.Reflector has the same problem.
thank you so much, re-building the ground mesh (make it natural z-axis faced then rotate) solved the issue.
Maybe documenting this in the MeshReflectorMaterial docs?