Hey, Im using a Oculus Quest and wanna try out VR. I downloaded the latest version of Threejs r112 and took the webxr_vr_dragging.html example (for playing around) and uploaded it to my own server.
If I visit the example on threejs.org, it is working, but not when I visit it on my domain (with oculus).
Also when visiting threejs.org example via PC the VRButton says: “VR NOT SUPPORTED”, but on my own domain saying: “WEBXR NEEDS HTTPS”?
What am I missing? I basicly took the example and changed the necessary paths to threejs. Nothing more.
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
renderer.xr.enabled = true
gives the error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘enabled’ of undefined
could the issue be that I am using chrome?