I’ve tested some official examples with the latest three.js version r117 just yesterday on an Oculus Quests. Everything runs as expected with latest Oculus Browser.
I figured it out. The hard way. This was very difficult to debug because no error was thrown.
I was using requestAnimationFrame instead of setAnimationLoop in the render loop.
I updated to the new threejs and noticed now it says [WEB XR NOT AVAILABLE]. So newer threejs supports Quest+OculusBrowser but not Rift+FirefoxBrowser?
Side question, this “module” structure for threejs is extremely annoying. Is there a way to use newer threejs without modules.
Your import modules via the npm package and then bundle everything (library + app code) into a single build file. This file can then be included into an index.html. An exemplary project setup with rollup looks like so: https://github.com/Mugen87/three-jsm
The other option is to strictly import all three.js dependencies over a single CDN e.g.:
Interesting. So would you say it would be more accessible for a wider audience to use r110 for webXR now? Still, lots of people using Rift+Firefox since they didn’t release Oculus Browser for Rift (for reasons I don’t understand).