Adding 3D Models to Websites by Drag-and-drop
TreasureChest: link
(note: it should work just fine with any previously created WhyDungeons / WTL Studio account )
What it is
TreasureChest is a public extension of asset hosting I use to build WhyDungeons. It allows uploading 3D models / textures, sharing, and embedding them in places (see below for details on those places👇 )
In short - it’s a tiny, global CDN for tiny, global assets. Perfect for prototyping, hosting, also for these moments when it’s 3AM and you just want to test something real quick, but gh-pages fills your console with CORS alerts and you start questioning your life choices. :’)
What it is not
It’s not a very private asset hosting - if you share the URL of your model with someone, they’ll be able to access it. It’s generally hard to keep 3D assets secure on web anyway - so consider anything hosted on TreasureChest public (if your model is under NDA, you have been warned )
It’s also not a paid, subscription-based, free-but-give-us-your-credit-card-details-just-in-case SaaS - it does use WTL architecture for maturity sake, but that $80 price tag doesn’t apply.
CDN Limits
Max. asset size: 5 MB
Cache refresh: >2 hrs
File types: most model formats handled by three have a live model preview; most image types have a live texture preview; other file types can still be hosted, but will not have a preview.
How to host a model for an app
Expand step-by-step
- Log in.
- Drag and drop the model over the TreasureChest to upload it.
- When upload finishes and preview is visible, click the
Copy URL
button. - You can use that URL directly in loaders:
new GLTFLoader().load('', gltf => {
(For production builds and demanding apps, it’s still probably recommend to bundle the models with the app - or at least to cache them. CDN can be great for testing, but even tiny requests will likely take more time than reading assets locally.)
How to embed a model on any non-3D website
Expand step-by-step
- Log in.
- Drag and drop the model over the TreasureChest to upload it.
- When upload finishes and preview is visible, hover over the copy button and choose
Copy as HTML
. - HTML snippet will be copied to the clipboard.
- You can paste this snippet inside any HTML tag element on a website to display a 3D model within that HTML element.
What exactly happens in the 50 lines of this <script>
- Three and necessary loaders are fetched from
- Canvas is created to fit the HTML node you paste the script in (be sure to give the parent div a bit of width and height, otherwise the canvas will span to 0 by 0 pixels
- Model is loaded from TreasureChest and rendered on the scene.
- OrbitControls are added to the scene. Feel free to remove them if you want a static model.
- After everything is loaded and set - the script will remove itself. If you browse the DOM tree after loading the page, you will only see the
Mind, loading script uses ES6 modules. If you support IE or older browsers, it may not work.
If you receive a shared TreasureChest model, you can embed it the same way from the preview screen copy dropdown.
How to create Three.js Codepen in like 5 seconds
Expand step-by-step
- Log in.
- Drag and drop the model over the TreasureChest to upload it.
- When upload finishes and preview is visible, hover over the copy button and choose
Open in Codepen
. - Using the magic of Codepen Prefill API, TreasureChest will generate a new codepen for you - all set up, minimal code boilerplate, your model waiting in the centre of the scene.
A few details about the Codepen setup:
- Even if you are logged in, Codepen will not automatically save the created pen. If you want to keep it - remember to save it manually.
- There’s a vanity tag in HTML editor. In case it is very unwanted there, feel free to delete it (if it’s super invasive, I will remove it altogether.)
- Model scale is automatically adjusted to fit within the viewport. If you do not want that to happen, you can remove scaling in the loader callback.
- Scene does not have any environment set. If your model relies heavily on PBR, do not forget to add it.
- Scene does have a single HemisphereLight - with light yellow sun and dimmed blue ground.
element has margin set to0
- keep that in mind in case you’d like to add some UI.
What about offline apps?
Since TreasureChest is a CDN - it obviously won’t be much helpful when the app allows offline use (ex. in a PWA app.) In this case, you can try caching the assets offline after downloading them.
Cute placeholder Bunny Toy by ItDoes-Interactive
Pikachu & Pokeballs generated from heszele & patrickfanart models
Gradient screenshots kinda heavily based on gsimone’s pretty swizzle tweets