in the right bottom corner you will find the switch camera icon, click it to switch views until u get the orbit camera, then u can look around, click on the floor to mark your destination, then click the marker to walk, or use keyboard, if u are using mobile or tablet u can touch and hold screen and swipe to move.
To help debugging or developing your own version of threeverse use resources saver chrome extension to get all assets, or download source code.
Make sure you check the “Include all assets by XHR requests (require page reload).” checkbox. Do not check “Beautify” checkbox, this will alter the html and css.
Noticible improvements with threejs r156 the camera seems smooth and fast responsive, now r158 the CSM shadows is more pronounced and faster that previous.
The rendering feels faster making the experience even more responsive even with mobile.
Added point and click navigation for avatars and vehicles for mobile and desktop users.
Hard reload to make sure you load the updated version.
Try update
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Loading Custom Avatar rigged from Mixamo
Auto rig your custom model in Mixamo, the model must be 1.6 to 2 meters in height
Go to the menu
Click the GLTF icon - to upload your Mixamo rigged Avatar
Select the GLTF file, (Must be in GLB) binary format embedded with the texture
In the GLTF menu select Avatar, then click the Load button
Updated #Threeverse engine to the new Threejs r160, the renderings is even faster, even smoother on low spec mobiles. The color is amazingly accurate and the rendering vray settings is extremely crisp, better than 3ds Max and rendering real-time on browser, while 3ds max is rendering frames on GPU and takes hours to accomplish 1 frame.
The Threeverse source code is available on GitHub for developers to create virtual experience using threeverse engine
Am i tripping or is this a map out of Re-Volt??
did you rebuild it or is it available somewhere?
You can link the model from Sketchfab Toys in the hood
U can directly link any free Sketchfab model with Threejs verse using this github repository.
Update threeverse r164, it feels more memory efficient.
Updated threejs r172, I haven’t tested this since r164, I don’t know if my pc is too fast or the update had made the game play even smoother, no errors so far.
Test game area city
To talk to an avatar, get close to it and click the chat button
Game city