THREE.WebGLProgram: Program Info Log: C:\fakepath(53,12-96) Warning X4713

Hello, I’m getting the following errors in my console:

THREE.WebGLProgram: Program Info Log: C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000
C:\fakepath(53,12-96): warning X4713: Sample Bias value is limited to the range [-16.00, 15.99], using -16.000000 instead of -100.000000

I have been searching the forum etc. but unfortunately I didn’t find any similar issues only a X3571 warning.

Also the app doesn’t fully load on IOS devices so I don’t know if this is related.

Here is a link to the app: any pointers are very much appreciated.



These are no errors but DirectX warnings. Do you mind demonstrating the issue in a more compact live example? You can start with this template: three.js dev template - module - JSFiddle - Code Playground

Thank you @Mugen87 I will try some more things to figure out if I can’t find a solution I will try to recreate the issue in a minimal demo.

I do have another question, did something change recently for iOS/MacOs devices? I discovered that 2 apps that I build are not loading anymore, I tested yesterday and an older app running on r132 is still loading normal.

The other 2 apps running on newer versions r146 not (one of them for sure was running on apple devices). I read the changelogs but couldn’t find anything related to my issue, did I miss something?

Without a debugging option I can’t say something to this issue, sorry.

Understandable, will try to get my hands on a debug report now (don’t have a Mac myself). Should I make a separate topic for this issue?

Yes, that would be good.

Ok I will do, thanks. Here is the link to the topic: App doesn't load (anymore) on Apple devices

I get the same warning. I was able to solve my problem by changing a threshold value in my shader. However, I would like to understand what the warning means.

Shader problems are a bit trickier. From the context of the warning, I suspect some kind of accuracy violation that the GPU can no longer resolve.