Tried to give an abstract overview of three.js
I got a WIP article on instancing, but curious if itβs easy to follow so far:
Complete Guide to 3D Computer Graphics
Various topics, fundamentals, illustrations, mathematics, physics etc. All in an organised manner.
Physically Based Rendering:
From Theory To Implementation
I recommend the website of Paul Bourke. It is not about Three.js, but covers a lot of math topics relevant for computer graphics (projections, file formats, interpolation methods etc. etc.). I like the format very much. Clear and concise presentation of interesting topics. I have learned a lot from that site.
A simple overview of "The Science of Rendering Photorealistic CGI"
UC Davis Academics - Computer Graphics, Fall 2009
Deep knowledge in 3D is here. Lections from Ken Joy.
Here is a link to my Threejs and TypeScript course
Udemy :
Skillshare :
and itβs accompanying documentation
Course Image
thank you , very useful
Some sources