nice you’re enjoying three js too.
First of alle the particle-love is written using three js. And in an older verion (r73) while r163 is current, I think. So all you can see in that demo is absolutely possible.
When I started with three js I started with copieng a demo, that actually isn’t available any more…
But first of all, you should create your own minimal scene just list explained here:
In the second step, I would suggest, try downloading three-JS and bind your imports to you local three js installation.
Also for coding, I LOVE using Visual-Studio-Code. If you haven’t done already, download node.js as this will give you npm tool to use in the vsc terminal.
Then you can install and run the npn http-server.
But that’s optional in the first place.
Once you got your first scene, try to add “Orbit-Controls” as these are quite common (although there are other cool controlls as well)
Once this is done I would suggest to start learning about lights. There are quite a lot of tutorials on the three js page.
Then, I guess, you can already go into particles:
And the other stuff in the example you provided is “2D-overlay”
So, as you can see, the best way (this is how I manage most things) try to find a simple looking example, rewrite it line by line so you can understand what happens there. And then take part by part of what you want to create and look for another example there.