I’ve been working on visualising sailing performance. I take the data already on the boat’s network (works like the one in cars), parse it, do some analysis, and post it up to a web app. Obviously this is very heavily reliant on threejs
I’m pretty much done with the graphics engine side. It holds 60fps nicely on mid-level hardware, presents a lot of the data as transparent streams in ‘reality’ (the green ribbon with red bits represents boat speed), and renders terrain out to about 30km using a two level system: close terrain gets individual facets and per-vertex normals; larger distances are made with big lumps and a normal map.
The boat itself is a ‘NURBSSurface’. Chosen because this is how they are modelled in the ‘real world’.
Scenes overall are in the 50k-100k triangles range and take 100-150 draw calls. Some work went into getting these numbers down.
Have a look! Give it a go!