A fantastic example of dynamic armor calculations without the use of ray tracing for every pixel. Note how the armor is green-blue-ish behind the front of the tracks which starts to fade to a non-penetrating red as the track gets thicker.
Another great example of computation of multiple layers of armor all done in real time without ray tracing. The Pershing has multiple layers of armor to calculate the thicknesses of which is handled well with 2 render passes. 1 for the spaced armor, 1 for the primary armor.
An example of the tank sustaining HE (high explosive) shells. This example demonstrates the fact that the shell would do little to no damage to the tank if it exploded at the gun barrel (that’s why it’s red!) And in most places it does a little spalling (orange). And in some places, the angle is too large so it’s red. But there’s still some green in there behind the tracks, a very tricky shot indeed.
This is the BlitzKit Tankopedia. I was told I would have to resort to volumetric or ray tracing to handle complex situations of multiple layers of armor, but nope! Just render passes and additive blending with a lot of fragment shader math does the trick :)
I love additive blending so much.
It brings back memories. When I was a soldier, I was a driver in the Leopard 2 main battle tank. Tanks are impressive constructions.
Very computationally intensive simulations could be carried out in compute shaders. But that doesn’t seem to be necessary in your case.
I always find it very interesting when 3D is used in real simulations.
I prefer to use threejs on a real world games and not war games, I suggest we use threejs for non violence to avoid promoting violence as okay thing.
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The fact that I was a soldier and find military technology interesting doesn’t mean that I love violence😉 But I had to learn early on that I can’t choose whether I experience violence despite my peaceful intentions. Nobody wants to be a victim and defending what you hold dear is no shame. I think my time in the army also gave me a better idea of what it would mean to actually be in war. An experience that, in my opinion, many people urgently need. I don’t find anything objectionable about TresAbhi’s simulation. This is a nice work.
Violence is like a depth probe. It is tolerant, from a random forest… for certain iterations or an interval. But a changing shape invalidates (or compounds) the original terms. What if the end-caps were portals to each other? What if PB textures weight the point samples? What if Tetriminos were copyrighted?
Perhaps the answer is like a canoe down the stairs.
Lest your conquests diminish,
Fuel “Canisk8tr” Amadeus