When I put physicallyCorrectLights =true in the webglRenderer, I noticed that some materials became very black
This is example
physicallyCorrectLights = true
physicallyCorrectLights = false
When I put physicallyCorrectLights =true in the webglRenderer, I noticed that some materials became very black
This is example
physicallyCorrectLights = true
physicallyCorrectLights = false
Hey @seanin,
When using models that have metalness set to 1, you must remember of using environment maps.
three.js docs - A good article about it.
Here is the code snippet that you can attach to your fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/zpjq8ycb/1/ (done that for you though)
Also, if you are using physical light corrections, please consider PhysicalMaterials, these are really good a snore for connoisseurs of good computer graphic looks.
Thank you very much for your advice