I created simple cube and set black color to theme, but i can not see cube on scene, is their issue with black color on renderer? or lights?
Three js version 120.
link of code : https://jsfiddle.net/47vc03zb/2/
i want this
but i get it this
I created simple cube and set black color to theme, but i can not see cube on scene, is their issue with black color on renderer? or lights?
Three js version 120.
link of code : https://jsfiddle.net/47vc03zb/2/
i want this
but i get it this
You use MeshBasicMaterial
in your fiddle which is a unlit material. Meaning it does not respond to lights. Try it e.g. with MeshPhongMaterial
. You also have to move the camera around a bit so you can see the illuminated parts of the surface.
Thanks, i checked but, i have one issue, if i remove directional light then same issue occure with AmbientLight.
The problem is that a pure black color will produce no diffuse reflections. Try it with a slightly more bright color value.
is their another solution?
Use gamma correction