Yes, I played around with RectAreaLight but my scene grinds to a halt when I add more than about 6 such lights. Additionally you can’t apply it to arbitrary geometries - tubes, sphere etc
In Unreal you can have geometry with thousands of polygons that is “emissive” without any noticeable performance hit. Is anyone aware of the technique they’re using to achieve this?
Plase consider framing your question with details / images about expected result, in that way it is more clear what you are aiming to.
The options you have are always delimited by performance. In the case of a static scene, baking lightmaps is the way to go. You can add a (selective) pass like this to enhance the effect, tweaking the parameters can give you actual good results. @prisioner849 shared a cery clever demo some time ago starting from this.
If your scene is dynamic you could try, to a certain extent, using threejs light emitting alternatives, like rectAreaLights and/or actual lights. Keep in mind that this is limited, again, for performance reasons.
Finally, don’t take for granted implemented features working with non-web tech inside threejs and even WebGL in general. In that regard, “thousands of polygons” just traslate as “non optimized data for a web running spec”.
Unless of course you are explicitly trying to push-the-limits of web capabilities, if that is the case you could take a look at lighProbeVolume proposal for incoming light of dynamic objects (see here), and Virtual Geometry for a ‘continuous’ view-dependent representation of hi-poly geometry.
I wasn’t aware of that post-processing library, thanks.
Are you aware of any up to date demos of a deferred rendering setup for three.js?
I’ve read about that potentially being able to support hundreds of lights