Add RectAreaLight to scene, not seen as light source

hello, i am trying to create a long square ceiling light with this code
i add the RectAreaLightUniformsLib.js , to my script
but the results is just a square and nothing is showing like light source

var light = new THREE.RectAreaLight( 0xff0000, 4, 300, 300 );
light.position.set( 1, 0, 0 ); 
light.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );
scene.add( light );
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 300, 300 );
var   material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff1100, side: THREE.BackSide });

var   mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
mesh.position.copy( light.position );
mesh.rotation.copy( light.rotation );
scene.add( mesh );

where did i go worng , thanks :yum:

MeshBasicMaterial is not affected by lights. Try using a MeshStandardMaterial instead.

Not related, but you should use PlaneBufferGeometry rather than PlaneGeometry. Also removed some other stuff you don’t need here:

var light = new THREE.RectAreaLight( 0xff0000, 4, 300, 300 );
light.position.set( 1, 0, 0 ); 
scene.add( light );
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 300, 300 );
var material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff1100 });

var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );

scene.add( mesh );

thanks, can i use this type of light to light up a room ?

you can do anything, but nothing will come even close to baked textures. load your scene in blender, add any light you want, hit bake. this way you can get near photo realism and it’s extremely cheap, too:

Thanks but i dont know blender
I think my issue is with

You have to include RectAreaLightUniformsLib into your scene and call init()

What its mean you have to call init?