Hey guys,
I am a 3d artist who wants to learn web dev and 3.js so for the first project i have decided to make something simple but which looks really cool - https://media-facade.shiftlink.tech
I want some help in few areas.
I am using codesandbox to test and write my code. is it ok to use it or is there a better alternative as i am just coding alone and dont need a collaboration tool. I like the fact i cant preview it side by side so thats a plus like VS Code. The templates are also pretty cool
What I am struggling with is rotating and placing camera in with 0 context cues and just random guesses of changing numbers
I have used OrbitControls and console.log to get the estimate of the wanted location, but whats a better way to code the starting location for the camera? I have been placing it by guesswork and it feels annoying. - How can I make the render look the amazing, i want to enable SSR, Better shadows, etc
- How can i make the panning motion be limited on the local Z and Y axis and not X(front and back)
I will be really grateful for help and some newbie advice.