How do I make a cute game? What do I need to learn?

Hello, all the technical experts, I am a technical novice, I only know some basic operations of three.js, I want to make a cute game with flexible scenes, just like this game, the cute style and game models attracted me, can I use three.js to achieve these on mobile devices? If so, what is my learning path?

Very, very steep.


You need three things:

  • technical skills - you should be able to create the visuals either procedurally, or with an authoring tool, … or using both approaches
  • artistic skills - you should be able to create appealing appearance of things, this spans from picking colors to applying special visual and sound effects
  • animation skills - you should be able to present various motions and interactions in a natural way

Note, that games are multidisciplinary things, so apart from programming skills and knowledge of technologies, you will need some science (e.g. math, physics, psychology) and have some artistic talents. Maybe you could start with smaller games, that are not so cute, and gradually improve them, by learning from others and by experimenting by yourself.

Pathfinding code (donmccurdy github), fbx or glb models for animations, postprocessing with ambient occlusion, update 1 time shadows for static objects, update every frame shadow for dynamic objects, physic engine (ammo.js, oimo.js, rapier, jolt physic, three.js/game_fps.html, cannon.js, gkjohnson github of BVH), maybe instancing models, batched meshes, loader which load all textures, models, lights, sounds and only after it show play button.

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Thank you so much

So how can I achieve the best visual results and the best performance for Postprocessing?
Should I bake it through software like blender?

Yes you can bake textures for static objects for good performance and visual. Bake all textures or lightmap.