I am glad to share my studio’s latest three.js project, a high rise apartment virtual experience.
You can freely navigate through the scene, interact with various objects and change their variants.
Your feedback and insights are highly appreciated!
Thank you!
Wow that is so cool, excellent project, also smooth controls
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Thank you!!! I hope you enjoyed it!
Any thoughts or recommendations?
Thank you for your kind words and feedback!
Any thoughts or proposals for further improvements?
Thank you!!!
Any ideas for future updates?
Add walk to swimpool. And maybe bloom, GodRay posteffect.
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This is some nice project. I really enjoyed it. Maybe it took a lot of time to fine-tune all details.
As you asked for improvements, here are a few observations (click only if you are brave enough)
- add night mode, so that customers can experience what it looks like when it is dark and the only light comes from the nearby buildings and the moon
- add VR mode, so that people with VR headsets can enjoy it too
- something with the light confuses me – shadow A indicates that the sun is somewhere forward, however shadow B indicates the sun is somewhere else, and shadow C – is a complete mystery
- the “Two Pixels” label should look better if it is completely pixelated (like NEAREST max filter for textures)

- I’m not a musical expert, but maybe the musical instrument is a piano, not a grand piano. Grand pianos have horizontal layout and take much more space
- allow going to the upper floor (or if you want to shock users, replace the black-yellow construction tape with do-not-cross-crime-scene police tape).
- I’m not sure where does the reflection in the handrail come from (I see no object like this in the room)

- related to interior design, not graphics – the stairs A must be easily distinguishable from floor B, the way it is now may cause injuries to occupants

- thin lines (all over the scene) need some antialiasing, as they are now rendered as dashed lines that flicker

- the water effect (a shader maybe), produces strange reflection at its left end (when the left end is outside the screen), the right side is OK - when you move the camera, you can see a whole vertical stripe of water that is different form the rest water

- where is the lavatory? where are the electricity sockets?
- there is no handle on the bottom section of this furniture, how to open it?
- there is a gap between the window frame and the wall

- the texture at the end of the table is broken
- the fire in the demo picture is much more beautiful than the fire that I see when I enter the penthouse

- all the text descriptions are like ads full of extreme superlatives – if I were a customer, I would happily go away
- maybe you should ignore all observations, most likely very few people will see them
@Chaser_Code Thank you for your suggestion! We are going to implement going outside on the next update.
@PavelBoytchev Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response! As per your observations:
Night mode, VR mode and second floor (with lavatory) will definitely be added on our next update
All shadow, texture and mesh problems are going to be fixed
Fire particles were replaced by new fire texture
I am not just sure what you mean with the following:
- all the text descriptions are like ads full of extreme superlatives – if I were a customer, I would happily go away
Thanks for you valuable feedback! Any more suggestions/improvements are more than welcome!