Glops - development blog of my first personal game

Hiha :speech_balloon:

By this page, I would share each step and personal progress of my project game.
My objective is to publish this game here :



My target project game

A simple collider game with funny characters, a world and cool effects :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Actual preview :hammer:


Do you find this fun?

  • :scream_cat: All the way, buddy !
  • :slightly_smiling_face: Yes it can do itā€¦
  • :thinking: Shared
  • :face_vomiting: Not at all

0 voters

To fix :boom: ā€¦Thanks community

Oimo.js collision detection problem with the physic body :white_check_mark:

How to avoid intersections with a plane above a plane? :white_check_mark:

Problem with shadows shaking with the csm plugin only visible on a mobile :o:


Hi :speech_balloon:

I redesigned my enemies and took the opportunity to transform them into several instances. (1)

The next step is to assign a physical body to these dummiesā€¦


Hi :speech_balloon:

DRY (Donā€™t repeat yourself) is effective for code review.

22 lines become 4 lines :yum:


Hi :speech_balloon:

:+1: Added physical bodies to 1600 instances (enemies and kind of green balloons )


The next step is to create a physical camera to avoid seeing the inside of my objects.


Hi :speech_balloon:

:keyboard: Itā€™s done (camera with a physical body to avoid seeing the inside of my objects)



Hi :speech_balloon:

My current music for coding :

I like itā€¦ my mind and fingers are faster with itā€¦:heart_eyes:

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Hi :speech_balloon:

Added a death effect for my enemies when they hit the ground :exploding_head:



Hi :speech_balloon:

Not at all the expected effect :sweat_smile: ā€¦ my enemies are completely crazy :crazy_face:.
What a mess!
Weā€™ll have to find out where the mistake came from, damn itā€¦


Hi :speech_balloon:

Now I have punished them and they are traumatized, they do not want to move :rofl:

Hi :speech_balloon:

I improved the aesthetics of my player and especially the small particles behind him

Hi :speech_balloon:

I solved my own question in the topic => see the first post :yum:

Hi :speech_balloon: ,

:woozy_face: 15 days to solve :

  • problems with my shadows and the CSM plugin, appearance of streaks on my floor => just had to use a floor geometry!
  • performance problems on mobile => just had to redefine CSM and physics parameters with OIMO.js
  • My instances with a physical body that refused to levitate and inevitably fell over time.

15 days is a long time and really discouraging to produce nothing especially when you search every day in your head, the forums, the doc, but what a pleasure when you find the solutions!

Here is the lesson I can draw from it :star_struck: :

  • Always look at all the examples provided by a documentation or an engine (the answer to the problem of my instances appeared in an example where a terrain was illustrated, so with a priori nothing to do with my problem).

  • Stackoverflow remains an excellent way to find answers, even if I admit that the forum is very strict with rules, formatting, etcā€¦

  • Always reduce a problem to its simplest expression.

  • Always use functions or classes with configurations and donā€™t parameterize anything in the functions or classes but with configurations.

With this system, you can make the code evolve as you wish.

  • Personally I try to avoid as much as possible: var something = something but rather var o={} (for object) and then o.enemy (this has the advantage to avoid a double writing var enemy; and then enemy = new Enemy(config)

  • Use functions that you call in the code to divide your work and make it more manageable, more manipulable.

  • use vim even if difficult to learnā€¦but what a gain in the manipulation of the code!

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Yes @dubois thanks

The specific documents on oimo.js and specifically the terrain are here :

And this is my version :

Hi :speech_balloon:

Here is my new version :hugs:


Additions :

  • sleeping enemies
  • alternation between enemies+paths and big green balloons
  • ui design
  • effect when the player is "dead

Next step : have a dynamic camera :movie_camera:

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Nice game!

Would you mind to test if your games compiles with my ā€œonline build projectā€? And, compare the performance between capacitor amd cordova? Would help a lot. :grin:
Project website

Thanks :slight_smile:

Nice app too.

I have tested with my game => exactly the same performance (60fps) as with cordova command-line :clap:

What makes me happy is that I see the possibility of producing on ios

But how do you put a icon game with this online tools ?

Cool glad it worked.

I made a template. You can modify the images in the assets folder.

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If you want, I can add the functionality to genenrate ios certs, and to upload the ios build directly to ā€œapp store connectā€. So you donā€™t need a mac at all for the whole publishing process.
You still need an iPhone (soon iOS >= 14), in case you want to test it before publishing.

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Hi :speech_balloon:

My enemies are like me after this Saturdayā€¦:yawning_face:


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