Hi guys,
Im working on a tile system in order to split a big image texture into small tiles. As a improve i need to request the visible tiles only.
My first question is how can I get the 3D SphereGeometry converted to a regular 2D geometry?
And how can I convert camera looking to a small 2D geometry within the above 2D geometry?
Any support is appreciated
This part sounds like a 2D problem.
Are you thinking of a mapping application, like Google Maps(2D), Google Earth(3D)?
Please provide more info.
May 19, 2022, 6:38pm
Do you mean something like this?
There is an extension.
Properties .cover .onTop
To be able to create 2D surfaces I used the cover in a simple way.
This is done by the new .cover property.
From the cylinder you get a rectangular surface comparable to the three.js PlaneGeometry.
With torsion, you can then create something like this. Added in the example.
About the new property .onTop.
Originally, the geometry was such that it normally stood on the xz plane. This resulted from the origin of geometry to create…
See the respective examples from the Collection of examples from discourse.threejs.org
Images splitting is not actually an issue for me. I am stuck on creating a 2D representation of the 3D SphereGeometry
How about using UV coordinates for the 2D representation.
For starters, I’d suggest you start with reading this article on map projections , so we use the same established terminology.
Then you’ll need to decide, if you’ll want to cover the whole spherical surface in your application, or merely a small patch of it.