Hi everyone,
I’ve got something that seems to be very odd and hard to nail down.
Short intro:
- I have one gltf model that renders differently on different Android devices.
- It renders fine on a Galaxy S20 for example but appears totally shiny on a Galaxy S7.
- It renders fine on iOS
- It renders shiny on https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ but renders fine on https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/ on a Galaxy S7
- I found in the console output on the Galaxy S7 something about
THREE.WebGLRenderer: EXT_frag_depth extension not supported
THREE.WebGLRenderer: WEBGL_draw_buffers extension not supported
THREE.WebGLRenderer: EXT_shader_texture_lod extension not supported
not sure if that is related.
- I know that this happens on other Android devices as well. A colleague of mine reproduces that issue on a Galaxy Note 10+5G and Note 9
- The issue disappears if I remove the normal map from the model. However, if I add another normal map the issue comes back. So it isn’t tied to that specific normal map.
- It is also not tied to the 3D geometry because if I apply the same material to a different geo I get the same result.
livingRoomCoffeeTable_v1_BOX.glb (1.7 MB)
Enabling backface culling prior to exporting the model from Blender or manually setting
"materials": [
"doubleSided": false,
in the gltf seems to be a workaround. The question is why that helps