Define camera glb file blender export

Hi, I exported a model from Blender in glb. When I upload it on Amazon, the open view (first image to display) is a prospective view. How can I change the view so that the first image is a front view?


You mean you upload to AWS, load that uploaded GLB in three, and then want it to be oriented in a specific way?

Would changing camera position and then using .lookAt be what you’re looking for?

Thanks for the reply. Indeed, I want to change the camera position so that it shows a front view. However, I cannot add a camera in Blender, because Amazon does not want any cameras in the file. Could you explain what “lookAt” is and where I can find it? Do I have to use an external program?
Thank you.

Not sure what you mean by “Amazon does not want any cameras” ?
How are you displaying the model? Hard to help without seeing any code.

Amazon does not want any cameras present in the file settings.
When I upload this to Amazon, my preview looks like what I attached below, whereas I would like it to show the front view.

Thank you.

Amazon is a large company with hundreds of cloud software products — we don’t know what product(s) you’re talking about, sorry.

It looks like you’ve shared a screenshot of Model Editor above, which is a particular viewer with no relationship to Amazon. The angle from which the model is displayed initially is a decision of the viewer, and nothing in the .glb model or the server hosting the model will determine that viewing angle. You’ll need to choose a viewing software that allows you to present the model (viewing angle, lighting, background, etc.) as you prefer.