I am importing a .glTF model – and i would like a small circle on it to glow with blue color.
I’ve tried adding Bloom in the following way here,
<Canvas camera={{fov: 30}}>
<color attach="background" args={['#000000']} />
<Suspense fallback={null}>
<Effects disableGamma>
<unrealBloomPass threshold={1} strength={1.5} radius={1} />
<OrbitControls minDistance={5} maxDistance={15} enablePan={false}/>
<ProductLine models={models} position={{x: position.x, y: 0, z: 0}}/>
<spotLight intensity={1.3} angle={0.3} penumbra={0.5} position={[0, 15, 10]} castShadow/>
<ambientLight intensity={1}/>
And in the component setting the color in this way,
<mesh name="Power_Button_O" geometry={nodes.Power_Button_O.geometry} position={[0.03, 0.675, -0.26]} scale={0.16}>
<meshBasicMaterial color={[1, 1, 20]} toneMapped={false}/>
However, all I can achieve is a white glowing bloom effect. How can I give it color?