Glowing-neon like material appear white -gltfloader

Hi guys.
I loaded this 3d model on my website but it appears white.
Would you please check and tell me the reason and solution?

on three.js

and I have another model too that I have used realistic renders but glass and light like neon did not appear like you have any solution?

in three.js:

Try it with a bloom pass:

How Can I set it in the specific part of model that designer set ?

The colors from the sketchfab model are missing in three.js because it uses the older spec/gloss workflow, and three.js requires metal/rough PBR materials. You’ll need to convert the model, there are a few quick ways to do that here:

The glow is missing, as @Mugen87 says, because it requires a bloom post-processing pass, and nothing within a model creates post-processing automatically. Usually bloom is a screen-space effect, and isn’t associated with specific parts of the model. Instead, you want to have a brightness threshold for the bloom (usually >> 1) and make sure that things you want to glow are brighter than that. For more on this, see

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Just wanted to confirm can we go for selective bloom to have that effect

Yes, but I would recommend you start with the approach presented in webgpu_postprocessing_bloom_emissive where we render just the emissive part via MRT into a separate texture and use it as the input for bloom. In this way, emissive is the selective component that controls what parts of the scene are affected by bloom. The result is an excellent bloom, imo.