I had noticed the problem too, but I’m not as quick to respond as the author himself.
In my geometry examples hofk (Klaus Hoffmeister) · GitHub I had the problem more often. In the last examples I wrote myself an extra function to not have to think about it every time.
function smoothEdge( idxa, idxb ) {
const v3a = new THREE.Vector3( );
const v3b = new THREE.Vector3( );
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3( );
v3a.set( g.attributes.normal.getX( idxa ), g.attributes.normal.getY( idxa ), g.attributes.normal.getZ( idxa ) );
v3b.set( g.attributes.normal.getX( idxb ), g.attributes.normal.getY( idxb ), g.attributes.normal.getZ( idxb ) );
v3.addVectors( v3a, v3b ).normalize( );
g.attributes.normal.setXYZ( idxa, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z );
g.attributes.normal.setXYZ( idxb, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z );
Used at Curved2Geometry - a twofold curved geometry and Multi Form Geometry in a similar form.