Automotive Lighting Configurator đźš—

Hi everyone, here is a 3D configurator that I made with three.js in the past few months : HERE.

I use it on my online store to sell LED lightbulbs :bulb:. The idea is to simplify the task of the customer, who only has to enter the model of his vehicle and can see a live preview of what he is buying. It works for cars, trucks and motorbikes.

It uses 15 godrays (maximum for 1 effect-composer) effects from post-processing to achieve the “headlight” effect. It was performance intensive at first but I downgraded it to 25 fps and now it works well on most devices.

As you can see if you turn on the signals (clignotants in french), the problem I mentionned in this topic : Multiple GodRays Effects is still not resolved. If you can help me about it, you’re very welcome.

Special thanks to @Lawrence3DPK for his kind help. :slight_smile: